#29 - Cryptozoology: 101

Episode 29 October 31, 2019 00:46:46
#29 - Cryptozoology: 101
NDN Science Show
#29 - Cryptozoology: 101

Oct 31 2019 | 00:46:46


Hosted By

Loga Fixico Annie Sorrell

Show Notes

This is a special Halloween episode, where Annie's father Gene Sorrell shares his spooky stories on cryptids and ghosts. The topic of this episode is just looking at mythical creatures and beings from a cultural historic cryptozoological worldview. There are many indigenous people that have passed down stories over many generations. The episode will give a brief overview to help listeners learn about the science that they may have never heard about.

Main Ideas:

- Definitions for Cryptozoology, cryptid, and pseudoscience

- Cryptozoology: Real Science or Pseudoscience?

- Annie's Father's stories on Bigfoot, Mermaids, and Ghosts

- Tah-tah-kle-ah

- Cannibal Dwarves

- Yara-ma-yha-who


Links & Resources:


Peter Dendle (2006) Cryptozoology in the Medieval and Modern Worlds, Folklore, 117:2, 190-206, DOI: 10.1080/00155870600707888





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