Here's another excerpt from the live-stream event we did at the AISES National Conference on October 6th. This is an interview with Ronin Ruerup and will be the last download we'll be releasing from the AISES conference for this year. Ronin's from Alaska and he was the last guest we had for that day. He's Tlingit and had a lot of amazing things to say. His interests range from Sea Otter Populations to the consultation process and oil/mineral exploration.
Here are some of the main ideas we talked about:
Word Uses, Meanings, and Redefinitions... Indian - Indigenous - Savage
"Traditional Enemies"
Turtle Island/Indigenous War, and Old World War
Russian Colonization of Alaska and Sea Otter Populations
Alaskan Native Voices in Natural Resource Management
The Value of Balance
The Past is Important to Our Future, but it doesn't determine it
Sovereignty and Land
A Bunch of Random Live Stream Stuff
Ronin's 3 Tips for Being Indigenous in the Modern World
Consultation and Restoration in Alaska Compared to the Lower 48 States
Links & Resources:
NASA L'SPACE Virtual Academy Application or by email: [email protected]
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Hoonah Native Forest Partnership
All Our Relations by Winona LaDuke
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