#20 - Traditional Ecological Knowledge (live recording from SUNY-ESF)

Episode 20 March 17, 2019 01:05:04
#20 - Traditional Ecological Knowledge (live recording from SUNY-ESF)
NDN Science Show
#20 - Traditional Ecological Knowledge (live recording from SUNY-ESF)

Mar 17 2019 | 01:05:04


Hosted By

Loga Fixico Annie Sorrell

Show Notes

This is a recording of the live stream we did at SUNY-ESF for a class called Indigenous Issues in the Environment. The topic of this episode is Traditional Ecological Knowledge, also known as TEK. We start off by going over definitions of TEK, then we share our personal experience with it and how this idea has shaped our views as scientists. We also ask the students to define TEK and explore this in different contexts by asking the students questions and sharing some of the principles. Enjoy!

Here are some of the main points we went over:

- Definitions of TEK

- Worldviews and Social Systems

- The Challenge of Defining Words

- Convergence of knowledge systems

- Healing, Restoring and Connecting to Land

- Indigenous Research Agenda


Links & Resources:

TEK Definition (Berkes 1992)

Worldview Diagram

Worldview Definition (Vidal 2008)

Native Pragmatism

Decolonizing Methodologies

Wisdom Sits in Places


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