Today’s episode is all about coffee. AKA: the good old morning brew—the life-saving afternoon pick-me-up—and the fabled cup of Joe. But before we get carried away with all that, we get into some stats about coffee. Then we talk about some of the challenges of its production, preparation, transportation, roasting, and selling. This is a cherished drink that's faced a lot of controversy for centuries, having associations with revolutions, addiction, mold toxins, and the all-too-common "coffee jitters". At the end of the show, we talk about Indigenous farmers using coffee as a way to become more food sovereign.
Here's some of what we talked about:
- Coffee Stats and Facts
- History and Revolutions
- Mold toxins (mycotoxins)
- How to avoid mold toxins
- NDN Coffee Sovereignty
Links & Resources:
Coffee Statistics: Gallup, CreditDonkey, USGS, World Atlas, & USDA
Another Podcast Episode about Coffee
Coffee History Links 1, 2, 3, & 4
Mycotoxins Map of World for Mold
91.7 percent of samples contaminated with mold
this study showed above study's mold levels to be above-recommended levels
Mycotoxin-Induced Neurotoxicity
Ochratoxin A and Mutagenesis/Oxidative Stress
Carcinogenic and genotoxic effects of mycotoxins
Coffee Bean Transport—A Global Journey
Cooperation, Fair Trade, and the Development of Organic Coffee Growing in Chiapas
Can agroecological coffee be part of a food sovereignty strategy in Puerto Rico?
Coffee and the Shock Doctrine in Puerto Rico
Coffee Recommendations: 1, 2, 3, & 4
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