#17 - Being Indigenous in the Modern World III

Episode 17 February 04, 2019 01:07:46
#17 - Being Indigenous in the Modern World III
NDN Science Show
#17 - Being Indigenous in the Modern World III

Feb 04 2019 | 01:07:46


Hosted By

Loga Fixico Annie Sorrell

Show Notes

We're back! With another edition of Being Indigenous in the Modern World... This is a huge topic that spans many different fields of study and all sorts of scientific disciplines, so we decided that this should be an ongoing conversation. On today's show, we jump around a bit but eventually focus our conversation around graduate school, our research projects, and the lessons we've learned from going through the process of doing research with an Indigenous community. Particularly our home community on the Flathead Reservation. Although broad, this topic is pretty obvious to a lot of people. Being Indigenous in the modern world is something we're all facing on a day-to-day basis, but it's also something none of us is prepared for when we're children. We approach this topic in a light-hearted way and had a lot of fun putting this one together.

Here are some of the main ideas we talk about:

- The importance of historical context

- An update on the challenges of graduate school

- The potential benefits of entering a Ph.D. study

- The value of understanding your limitations

- Unique challenges Indigenous students face

- What are your responsibilities?


Links & Resources:

11 Lies About Indigenous Science

National Institute of Health Article on Syphilis

Mental Health Resources for Grad Students: One & Two


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