Latest Episodes

#18 - Interview with Kaya DeerInWater
Kaya DeerInWater is a close friend of ours and we’re excited to finally have him on the show. He’s the other member of our...

#17 - Being Indigenous in the Modern World III
We're back! With another edition of Being Indigenous in the Modern World... This is a huge topic that spans many different fields of study...

#16 - Interview with Anna Whiting-Sorrell
Anna Whiting-Sorrell was the first woman teacher's assistant for the Political Science Department at the University of Montana, she has a master's degree in...

#15 - Biopiracy
Today’s episode is about biopiracy… but first, we share an Indigi-Fact that turned out to be a cool surprise to both of us. After...

#14 - Connecting to Place
Connecting to Place… what does it mean? This topic gets deep really quickly and seems to be a fundamental aspect of human nature that...

#13 - Interview with Ronin Ruerup
Here's another excerpt from the live-stream event we did at the AISES National Conference on October 6th. This is an interview with Ronin Ruerup...